Returning To Davidson
We are glad that you are back on campus, and look forward to hearing from you! Now that your program has finished, explore this page for ways to share your thoughts and feelings about your program, resources for cultural adjustment, and ideas to help you build on your experience.
Remember that we rely on your feedback to help us inform future study abroad participants about their options. For this reason, the OEAA asks all students who study abroad or away to complete a program evaluation. Students on Davidson programs will also complete a Resident Director faculty evaluation.
The evaluation form(s) will deploy to your application automatically within 24 hours of your program's official end date. Log into the OEAA portal to complete and submit it.
If you have specific or sensitive concerns which you would like to discuss in more detail, you can request a meeting with Naomi Otterness, the Director of Education Abroad & Away, by emailing her directly or selecting that option in your evaluation form.
Reverse Cultural Adjustment
Bear in mind that it is normal to experience some form of reverse culture shock. If you find the re-adjustment process to be difficult, we strongly encourage you to seek assistance. The Counseling Center at Davidson College is a valuable resource. Students are provided with free counseling sessions. Appointments are confidential and can be made by visiting the Student Health Portal. Please do not schedule online if in crisis; walk-in to the Center immediately.
Share Your Experience & Get Involved
Upon your return to campus, be patient with yourself and get involved with activities that allow you to build on your study abroad experience. This may facilitate the re-entry process. We hope the suggestions below can also help.
Join the OEAA for a Welcome Back Bubble Tea!
Stay in touch with your host family, teachers, or friends you made abroad.
Attend events sponsored by the Dean Rusk International Studies Program.
Keep up with current events in your host country through on-line media and resources available through the Davidson Library.
Write about your international experience for the Davidsonian or other publications on campus.
Plug into the international community in Charlotte through the World Affairs Council, International House Charlotte, or the Charlotte International Cabinet.
Get involved with Dean Rusk Global Corps, DIA, or other international or multicultural groups on campus.
Process your thoughts with a mental health counselor from the Center for Student Health & Well-Being.
Take an interest assessment at the Center for Career Development.
Contact alumni working abroad or on international issues through the Davidson International Network on LinkedIn.
Talk with individuals in the Center for Civic Engagement about ways to get involved on and off campus.
Apply for a Dean Rusk Travel Grant and go abroad again!